the fire inside

She sat in not far from where Firefly was. She hadn't followed the female, just so bored that stalking the women everywhere was all that there was left to do. Laying her head on her paws she shifted so not to irritate the shoulder that had been shredded in the bear fight. Even now she couldn't find it in her to aknowledge the fact that Firefly was the only reason she was alive. Svara just didn't get into the mushy bull shit like everyone else. It was fate that Firefly saved her and her fate had been good that day that had been it.

Still the she wolf could remember the tender thank you she had given to the female. She regreted showing such weakness and endearing emotions. It made her gag just thinking about it. With her head on her paws and her ears back she felt more bored then ever before. With Hanna as her mentor, she had been starting her training as an herbalist and the best part was trying to piss the black she wolf off any chance she could. Not that Hanna didn't find ways to make Svara suffer, like making her shift into her luperci form. A growl escaped her maw. She hated shifting, it was a dreadful tedious act that she found no use for.

Getting to her paws she stretched and did it gently so to watch her back wounds that were still tender. Svara noted now that she had been in this pack for a month now. She hadn't even noticed how at home she had become in this pack of back stabbers, ass kissers, and loyalty buffs. Walking over to firefly's side she sat down and grinned wickedly at the female. "You still pregnant or not?" Svara poked firefly's round belly with her paw as if it was something icky and she didn't want to get it on her beautiful coat. "Then again if you are it's more things for me to chase around and gnaw on." The young she wolf bared her teeth in a grin thinking about being as evil as she was to the pups. She really didn't like pups, or being one, and she had good reason not to.


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