bound for flames

She struggled to keep a grip on apathy. There were many emotions that dared to toil beneath her skin and she felt anger pressing against the brim. But it was undirected and even if it bubbled to the surface, she didn't know for who it was for, or why. His words were crystal clear through the cold air, his movements moving in time with the rest of the world as it made its lazy turn around the sun. But she felt sluggish. The wind whistled in her ears and she turned her eyes away from him, downcast at his voice as her jaw set. There was something binding in the way he spoke, because he knew that she would do it.

He spoke of the seeing the future and she vaguely remembered Kerberos. She doubted she would have recognised him if he came around now. She doubted she would have recognised a lot of them if they came around now. Her expression waned slightly, dimming and halfway contorting to a frown as he babbled, ignoring the first urge with some sort of feign boredom. Corona felt his eyes on her, but she also felt the urge to get away. Not to listen to any more nonsense. Not to believe in what he was saying like she had so many times before. But the second time around, her attention snapped back to him, blue meeting crimson. There was a dire part of her inclined to obey, but she couldn't get the words to come.


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