Step One: Tame the Shrew
that's fine. It's where I wanted her, actually, but I couldn't do it without it being powerplay, lol.

ETA: Finished, finally.

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Smothering a growl at the pup's insubordination, Hanna spoke loudly again, "Svara!!!! Get your bad-tempered, fluffy tail out here, now. We need to talk." She turned to her task while she waited for Svara's return. Tracing the hind legs of the deer to the hocks, and feeling the bones around that area. She took the leg in both hands and snapped it across her knee just below the joint, and then pierced the back of the thigh near the joint. It was strong enough, she could tell, to hold the deer up to the tree by, and after fishing some braided leather thongs out of her satchels, she secured both deer to the tree by their hind legs.

Now that the deer were prepared for Svara to skin, Hanna could turn her attention to the bearhide in its rack. She picked up the stone she'd set aside, hefting it and testing its sharpened edge. She'd been lucky to find this rock, and if it broke she'd have to settle for one of the deer's scapula. Leaning firmly against the hide and applying pressure, Hanna went about scraping the flesh pieces off of it so that she could easily rub the brain solution into the hairless side of the hide. She paid special attention to the rump and neck areas that were thicker than the rest, thinning them out.

Once the hide was pristine and smoothed, and the woman could see the pores of the skin, Hanna collected her bowl that she typically used to boil things in and melted snow by adding the brain and mixing the solution with her fingers till it was relatively unclumped. She then started a fire and began cooking the mixture. While it cooked, she rubbed the hide with a rough stone, buffing it. Since the braining solution had cooked appropriately, she cooled it in the snow, and then began working the brain mixture into the hide.

After she finished, she allowed it to dry, then applied the mixture again. She gathered a few towels she'd collected and, dampening them in the snow, draped them over the hide till the next day.


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