Give a Damn About Falling

The buck was growing heavier and heavier as they walked. As she towed that dead deer it began to felt more like all the emotions that she didn’t understand being dragged behind her then an elderly buck. Instead of a dead body, it was the guilt, love, hate and fear woven tightly together in the form of a heavy burden. Each entwined so intricately that she really couldn’t tell one from the other.

Her name came through the air. Blue eyes look back at the green pair her friend owned. Her first thought was of the burden that they carried. Of course, she wasn’t the only one holding onto all the emotions and after all their words it was obvious she wasn’t the only one confused by their meaning. It was certainly difficult, but as she thought more it wasn’t the buck they carried, or what it symbolized to Anu that was difficult. It was them being together that was the challenge.

Even if she wasn’t speaking about what Anu had previously thought, she still wasn’t alone. She smiled, letting the nothing fill with everything that Geneva so generously gave. How could she be nothing? While her kindred soul stood beside her she was anything but. Together I think we can. Smile, she thought. They couldn’t be like this, unhappy when with each other.

Her paws still gripped the buck’s legs, instead of reaching for the other’s paw as she wanted to. They needed to get home, before the snow that hung in the clouds above them started to flurry. The calming wind might allow it to fall, and it wouldn’t be smart if they got caught in a storm. Alone and lost in a whiteout, with no one but each other wouldn’t be the easiest thing for them. Still her pace slowed, almost coming to another halt.

I… Her throat was dry, and the words forced and hushed. wont stop trying. Her smile had faded, but there was still a small remnant of it across her face. Thinking back on the words Anu wasn’t sure what she truly meant by them.



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