good times, bad times, you know i've seen my share
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Adjusting to pack life was proving to be easier than Lannen had originally anticipated. But still, that morning when he had woken up, he had gotten the itch. The need in his bones to crawl from his den during the early hours and trek across lands beyond the borders of AniWaya. Life was relatively simple there, a definite comfort. But today, Lannen craved complexity and oddity. Although traveling long, winding roads without any direction had lost its appeal, he still liked the novelty of exploration. He found that new experiences invigorated him, distracted him when he felt his anger rise.

Today so happened to be one of those days he felt darkness creeping in the corners of his soul, aggression rising. And it had been for the silliest reason, too. Lannen had traced the scent of Dawali, the man who had greeted him and accepted him at the borders of the tribe. His first impression of the man had been a good one, and he didn't bear him any ill will. Still, the need to assert himself had risen in his chest like a terrible phoenix. It had been the reason he had left his home in Maine in the first place, that terrible aggression, the need to assert his dominance. He had no plausible reason to feel that way toward Dawali, but it couldn't be helped.

As much as he wanted to be easy going, live his life following the direction the wind whispered, Lannen could not escape the qualities of the alpha male within him. So today, he searched for distraction, trying to hide from that part of himself.

The tallest building in the city caught his attention, covered in movie posters. He had never seen anything quite like and felt that a building this big would keep him occupied for a good length of time.

It was dark when he entered, dim and so the white man squinted. In the gloom he made out a slim figure. Eyebrows raised, he realized someone had beat him to the site he wished to explore. Not that it mattered, he could share. At least with this female. "'Lo there, girl," he said in way of greeting.

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