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"Hmmm..." Geneva intoned thoughtfully, stopping for a moment so the puppy could catch up. Geneva wasn't a large wolfess by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, she was very small - just not petite, but also compact. Her build was similar to that of a wolf close to adolescence. She and Zana actually shared a very similar body type. 

The grayscale wolfess let her green eyes scan the lands around her. She had no idea what Inferni's reputation was, or if this little girl belonged to a loner instead. But she figured that the coyotes wouldn't turn a little girl away. She knew Crimson Dreams wouldn't. It was obvious this girl's blood was mixed, but there was a definite sign of coyote genes.

"I don't know how lucky we'll be finding your actual dad, Zana," Geneva said, truthfully. The child might be upset, but she seemed to be a mature little lady. And Geneva wanted to be straightforward with her and not lead her astray. "I think the best I can do to help you is take you to others who might know where he is. Do you understand?"


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