why me?
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I have Cwmfen in lupus form, but if you want her to be in luperci form, I can change that easily enough, ^=^ Also, let’s keep this date this thread for early January 14th. Is that allright with you?

The world wept. Cwmfen sat alone, allowing those cold tears to fall upon her form. Having completed a good several hours of martial training, the woad-marked female sat to rest, though her body did not claim to be tired. The heat from her labors rose from her fur in faint wisps as she remained in that lithic, sentinel’s form. She had shifted back to her lupus form, for, even after all this time, she still felt the comfort and beauty of this form most. The white orbs blinked as they looked towards the heavens. Save for the snow, nothing was more beautiful than the falling rain. The song of the world sighed in her ears, and she closed her eyes to listen. Listen. It seemed that the warrior spent much of her time listening these days, and she spent these days in silence. There was much to dwell upon, and yet nothing at all. But the female did not find this solitude unbearable, especially today when she was spending it with the rain.

Rising, the female turned her orbs to the south. Perhaps today she would run, for her soul was at peace and that wild ferocity shone through the darkness of the day. With a smile that was strangely mirthless, the female threw herself forward into the coming rain. Her movements were fluid and effortless as she flew across the lands. The world about her was a blur, and yet her quick eyes caught the necessary details as she lept over fallen trees and dodged passed jutting limbs. She ran this way for many hours, crossing over many distances. And yet, her body was only marginally tired, her breathing only slightly labored. And her muscles felt a white-hot exhilaration as they carried her over the lands and through the dark, cold forests.

Upon nearing the boarders of the exotic tribe AniWaya, Cwmfen’s woad banded ears pricked forward. She heard the calling, and it very clearly sought aid. Even from this distance, where words were indistinguishable, the desperation in that calling voice was clear to the Dahlian Warrior. Pausing only momentarily to locate the direction of the call, the black wolf changed her course, seeking out that caller. It was not long before the form of the caller came into view. It was a female, her coat a brindle of many shades of grey. Not knowing this female at all, she had to guess that they were of similar ages. The female lingered at the edge of the boarder before taking only a single step over that invisible barrier.

"I heard you calling, female of AniWaya." This was her greeting, and her Caledonian lilt sang strongly in the cold, dark air. The white orbs flickered over the arm of the other, and it became clear that it was a hastily prepared splint. Overhead, the pied Raven crawed, turning his one eye to the woad warrior. A wry smile touched the female’s lips, for it seemed that the Raven had found her. "Perhaps I can help you with that," the female offered, indicating to the injured arm with a woad bound maw.


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