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When she noticed that the larger lady had stopped Zana's breath grew to huffs of excitement as she plowed forward to catch up with her. While Zana's frame was small and frail unlike the lady before her who had grown up and though she wasn't large she would always be larger than the little half breed who had no clue that she'd never grow up to be a normal height or weight. Her little tongue lulled out happily as she finally caught up to the other, panting happily, her lilac orbs shining as she gazed up at Geneva.

When the other spoke of the chances of them finding her father little Zana just shook her head and said firmly. "I find him! I wills!" She would too, oneday the girl would find her father and though she might never know him as a real father she could atleast know that she did infact have one. Geneva spoke on about taking her to these others who might be able to help and Zana just nodded her head, her trusting eyes locked on the woman as she said softly. "I knows.. yous still helps even if we no finds today.." She might help her more than she knew, but they would never know until that moment came.

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