relive the pictures that have come to pass
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cakeHe read the tension even through the darkness, saw her as if she relaxed slightly, watched as she went to turn away, and some hesitation was there when she spoke. The word itself, her voice, almost fell on deaf ears. Bane was an eloquent man, he knew well how to use his words, but he was quiet by choice and loathed to waste them. At times, they were wholly unnecessary, and the body spoke volumes more than words ever could. There was that smile, still there on his face, and it was a strange smile, accompanied by a glint in his eye as he stared at her. He could feel the purity of his blood and it had begun to burn a little. He almost welcomed it, because he knew now that it would get much worse.

cake"Caledonia," he repeated, letting the word roll around on his tongue. It was barely a whisper, and it died quickly on the wind. He had never been there. He wondered why she was here, if her story were anything like his. Then she asked him where he was from: again, he could read her body language like a book. He could smell her curiosity. He thought of the prisoners of war they had kept in the old city. They had beaten and broken them until the words spilled from their hands and their eyes more than their mouths. Just like the blood. He could feel the dust of the skull in his palm, he could feel it beginning to give under his grip. It was fragile.

cake"Reykjavík," he replied slowly, pleasantly, darkly. For a second the accent he had earned there showed itself in his voice. Then it went away, just like it had when he had left. "Come a little closer," he added softly, tilting his head at her. All the while, that smile remained, and his eyes narrowed a little as he spoke. His own curiosity was overwhelming and he was sure she could see it. Smell it like he could hers. He knew it was different; that didn't matter. He wanted to see her move. The instinct reared and screamed in his head and he could feel himself slipping. And somewhere in his mind, the part that hated what he had become, it was welcome.


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