never strain, never break
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cake"Gabriel." Again, cheerful, and he was smiling as he said it. "He was an interesting fellow. How do you like it there?" Thoughts of his story and of the instinct filtered through his mind as he carefully made his way over a cluster of rocks, and he only barely managed to conceal his interest. Some may have gotten frusturated at the broken leg for the lack of mobility; Bane tended to take things in stride. Fate had a plan for them all, and his job here was to learn what that plan was. He felt the glowing in his skull as he looked back at her, blurry as she was. She spoke, he listened. A lady deserved a man's ear when she cared to speak.

cake"It is," he agreed, and in the distance he saw the cliff, and amongst the rocks he saw what he was searching for. The instinct shrieked at him and his blood joined the fray. His pills would be in there, intact. If he were lucky, his glasses would be intact, as well. "Well, this is good news. I'm half-blind, you see, and my glasses are in that bag. It's been quite the hassle surviving without them, Miss Corona." The smile stayed on his face as he finished speaking, and the bag neared quickly enough with the effort he put into walking. Within moments it was at his feet, and he balanced precariously on some rocks. Reaching down, he moved it and unzipped the right pocket, and as usual, found that Lady Luck walked with him. Pulling the glasses from the case, Bane's smile widened faintly. "How lucky I am," he murmured quietly to himself, cleaning them on his cutoff jeans to prepare to put them on. It would be nice to have a face to remember alongside Corona's name, rather than just the pleasant golden yellow of her fur.


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