good times, bad times, you know i've seen my share
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His mouth quirked into a smile when the hybrid looked up at him and addressed him as "boy." But he assumed it was only fair - after all, he had called her girl. And a girl was what she was - with the promise of beauty and just the slightest lack of poise of an adult. She lingered on the precipice between the two, girlchild and woman. She seemed to be engaged in childish things, poking here and there in curiosity - but wouldn't that make Lannen childish too? However, the way she spoke with him, the gravity in her gaze made him think twice. He'd treat her as an adult.

He looked around the abandoned theater building. There were still bright colors, here and there among the fading machinery and tattered posters. It looked like no one had been here for a long time, aside from scavengers and rats. "Ain't mine anymore than it is anyone else's, by the looks of it," Lannen said, his eyes returning to rest on the girl. She didn't seem anymore familiar with it than he was, but he decided to err on the side of caution. He could be decent, if he tried. "Is it yours?" Two questions there - the one so obviously stated - and the second, did she want him to scram?

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