I throw my toys around
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... p/06v2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She was so excited to have gotten back to the den. Everything here smelled familiar--it was comforting. At first she hadn't cared for the scents around here (things smelled so different from everything back home!) but now she was used to it. She was sure that she probably smelled like the things that she lived around. Did Haven think that she smelled bad?

"Yes! Siobhan likes that name. It is a good one." She nodded. Inside the den were many furs and blankets, and she sat down on one of them. "But now Siobhan is not sure what we should do. What sounds like fun? We has no beds here to jump on!"


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