like a leaf clings to a tree

Cer lives in a church out by St. Pepin’s vineyards, a little outside of Berwick, just so you know!

Once inside the male was all business, he spoke very efficiently, straight to the point. Cercelee settled herself into a sitting position, facing the male and giving him her full attention. It was nice to get a real introduction from the male, he before had just been Mew’s friend. Now he was an individual, with a background, with ambition, with his own personality. Cercelee smiled sadly as he spoke of Shadowed Sun, and his dead friend. She had met Pilot, briefly, and then the pack had disappeared. Yet it was comforting to know that he was still out there, somewhere.

Lubomir went on, and only after he stated his purpose did Cercelee get a chance to speak. Amused by his enthusiasm, Cercelee offered him a smile, and cleared her throat. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Lubomir, as you know I’m Cercelee, but you may, if you wish, just call me Cer.” He was a friend of Mew’s, perhaps he was more than that to Mew, and Mew was one of her closest friends. Just as she had accepted Khaden no question asked based on his relation to Ember, she would accept Lubomir. Her closest friends’ judgements were as good as her own. “Don’t worry about dropping in at any time, for any reason. That’s why I am here.” It was said sincerely, as their leader she was available to them at all times, and she did so happily.

Pausing she considered his request, as it was she was the diplomat of the pack, but even though she held the co-rank she would have to do the duties regardless. She was expected to know the other leaders and be on good terms with them, it would be easier to put some of that burden on someone else. “Well Lubomir, I have no qualms about granting you that title, however... the clan I am most worried of keeping relations stable with is Inferni. I know the leaders of Crimson Dreams and Phoenix Valley, your help with Aniwaya will be appreciated, and you realize you’ll be working closely with me at times if you take this job?” It was not always all fun and games, at times it would be dangerous if another conflict arose, but better to have two dealing with the other packs than one.


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