This is home sweet home.
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Ril’o was polite and sympathetic to her story, though his story was far more heart breaking. Adelaida was amazed at the amount of wolves walking around with severed ties to their family and friends. The Koios clan meant the world to her, not a day went by when she didn’t think of them, wasn’t it lonely walking around without family? While she was not naive enough to think that all families were as warm and welcoming as her own had been, all the members strongly supporting and genuinely caring for one another, it was startling to realize that she was in the minority, not the majority.

"I’m sorry to hear that." What else could one say? It was rude to ask for more details, and if it was as depressing as it seemed Adelaida didn’t really want to hear anymore. She had no magical words that could fix it for him so she let the moment pass. Pickles squirmed and peered out at the male from his perch atop the female and Adelaida ignored the little creature, wondering instead why or how he had made his way to Dahlia de Mai. She and Sankor had a reason, but had he just picked randomly? Hoping that the life he traded for the old one would be better? "So have you settled in nicely here then? I haven’t met many of the members yet to be truthful... I’m not sure I’m ready to. And I don’t know about picking one of these houses, though I suppose I will soon enough, just to have some space to myself... do you live in one of them?"


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