Heart of the Hunter

Slaying the Dreamer

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OoC: Oh, gladly! That would be nice! And sorry this took so many weeks, it's my fault... ;A;

Slay looked thoughtful for a moment, processing this new information. A Dream cannot be killed... only lost... Then he nodded in affirmation, smiling gently. "I suppose that makes sense... Thank you, Cwmfen. Already I've learned more from you than you have from me!" The arctic wolf grinned ruefully, knowing it to be true. His pale gaze lit up with fondness as she offered to assist him -- he was going to need the help! If knowing his Dream would give him the confidence and self-mastery that Cwmfen displayed, then he was willing to give it a shot. He had no idea how to "find himself", though, or any of what the Long Nights actually entailed... and since he had done his best to eradicate the spirituality from his life after fleeing from his superstitious tribe, it was going to take some work before he could sort things out for himself.

He let his thoughts fade as Cwmfen fluidly rose and slipped off into the trees, an inky black shadow dappled with blue lights. Her grace was still impressive to the arctic male, and he watched until he could no longer see her before settling into his ambush position, screened behind the leaves of a squat shrub. His heart began to race with anticipation, his blunt claws digging into the undergrowth as the adrenaline began to pump. Hunting was a thrill, arguably the most exciting experience a wolf could have. The tracking, following scents, staking out a location - that could take hours, even days. But when the prey was spooked and it was time to go for it - the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of the kill was always well-worth it.


The deer scattered, crashing through the forest in abject terror. Slay flexed his haunches, readying himself for the lunge. Cwmfen swerved expertly, cutting the young doe from her family and worrying the animal straight towards him. She was a natural. The doe bleated a cry as she fled from the black wolf's snapping jaws, the whites of her eyes showing as her hooves flashed down, bounding closer... closer... closer.........

Slay dug his powerful hind legs into the ground, launching himself at their prey. Panicked, the deer tried to leap over him, but he bulled his shoulder into her chest, knocking them both tumbling to the ground. Her thrashing legs thumped him in the stomach, knocking the wind from his lungs, but he snarled and clubbed her narrow skull with his paw, stunning her momentarily. A moment was all he needed; with the thrill racing through his veins, Slay arced downwards and clamped his jaws about her slender neck, whipping from side to side to snap her spine.

Panting heavily, Slay untangled himself from the deer carcass. Their hunt had been successful. Both had evaded serious injury - Cwmfen was fine, and he had merely bruises to show for it. His nerves were still jangling from the action, as represented by the huge grin on his whiskery muzzle. "Here, you... want the first bite?" he offered gleefully, trying to catch his breath. "You deserve it!"

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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