Firefly stared back at the bright eyed girl as she seemed to get touchy about the subject. The bronze and gold woman just laughed as she shook her head. "You need to learn a thing or two about life.." she said bitterly as she stared off across the graveyard before shifting her eyes back to this newest packmate, just another pathedic soul. "Time changes folks.. who's to say your Alexey is the same one you remember." She grinned at the woman, hoping that the world would give her a nice bitch slap soon enough and she'd realize that her perfect little world wasn't so perfect.

She didn't care for this masked bandit that seemed to think so much of herself and her perfect world, but then again Firefly like to see others suffer just if it was to break down their thoughts and beliefs. "Alexey probably changed the moment she stepped paw into this pack.. think you're gonna be the same wolf you once were?" she grinned, hoping to get the lady to get all huffy puffy. She was just nothing more than a bitch but who cared, no one was keeping count.

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