birds of a feather
Zana was so easily distracted between the male and the flying sands that her progress really was getting nowhere. She was having the time of her life trying to make her own little den though and that was all that mattered. In time she'd discover that it really wasn't as fun as it seemed and she'd either fall asleep or give up and go find something else to do. When Giggle asked again if she wanted his help she pouted slightly but moved over slightly, giving him space to work as she pushed her sand far away from the hole and then went back to making it bigger by worrying at the sides. "Ohtay.. you cans helps I guess." She was so strange but who could blame her, there was a whole beach to play with and this guy wanted to be taking up the space right next to her. He sure was weird.

Her little nose poked out of the sands as she stopped digging for a moment and blinked at the other member. She frowned slightly as he asked about her monster. She shuffled her paws back and forth and spoke down to the sands when she finally did answer. "Monstwer big and golwden swilver. Always growling and snapping.. Dabi and Jebbers nice though.. but theys weren't always there. Monstwer always there." She sniffled to herself as she thought of the monster and the frightening nightmares that had followed the day she'd been thrown in the fire. She couldn't come to the point of outright admitting or even realizing yet that the monster was infact her mother but it didn't matter to the puppy, she wasn't there. Her personal monster was far far away.

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