two paths
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Maybe last post is yours? This seems about done...

No, he wasn't really interested, or so he thought. He didn't want to know about DaVinci's love life... if he did, chances were that he'd end up mentoring another one of the silver-furred idiot's pups or something, and Jefferson had had enough of that for a lifetime. At least he liked Tyrone, anyway. He did like Ryan, though, though the two had not interacted for long. She had a slight, girlish charm to her that normally he would not have cared for, but she was genuine. A good kid. He wasn't sure DaVinci and his nonsense was well-suited for her, but hell. What did Jefferson know about love, anyway?

"Spare me," he responded, rolling his eyes. "I've got better things to do than listen to you blab on about your girlfriend. She must be going crazy to fall for an ass like you, anyway." He began to chuckle. He was fond of DaVinci. The two were rivals, somehow, but comrades. Somehow, the silver-furred rascal had made his way onto the creature's good side, anyway. "Don't forget about Zana, you idiot," Jefferson smirked as he started away.


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