don't know how the river got so wide
out of character
----- Sorry for the wait, dear. I should be getting back on my feet with Maria soon.
in character
----- Now that they had found their home in Clouded Tears, Maria doubted they would ever go back. She had experienced so much since being caught on that pirate ship, but maybe it had been for the best. She had realized that she didn't need Piero to lean on when she had Beppe, but she was careful not to lean on him too much. Maria didn't want to hurt him in anyway, but instead protect him the best that she knew how. Her eyes gleamed as he adjusted to the cold and she did the same thing. Her arms lifted and the palms of her hands pressed against the back of her arms, rubbing up and down to start a fire in her fur.

----- Maria moved forward to catch up to Beppe's side as they neared the lake, looking it over. Perhaps if it were frozen over they could attempt to ice skate. She had only heard of it maybe once or twice but never experienced it herself and if they were lucky, they could try. Someone once tried to explain it to her but didn't fully grasp the concept. With a smile on her face, she leaned and nudged him in the side of the face with her nose.

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