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Once in the safety of the fortress Mati was able to look behind her and search for Simon. Her little black nose searched as her eyes began to swell with tears. It wasn’t like Mati to be brought to tears; even Brooklyn couldn’t get her to cry. Still the thought of him not following after her made her heart sink. Would he be lost forever?

Brown ears swiveled forward, taking in the sound of his footfalls. Thoughts turned from disaster to complete joy. Her body rested against the side of the fort, raising her head high enough for her eyes to peer over the edge. Her tail came to life, wagging behind her as she greeted him. His words showed his excitement, though the kisses he planted on her face were unmistakable.

Mati kissed him back, Of course I did! Did you make this? she was curious to know where the fortress came from, but her eyes stayed on his face. The sides of her face became warm when she realized what they had been sharing, having never licked the face of some one other then a family member. Still there was no where to go in the snug castle of theirs, and she sat close to him enjoying the warmth between them.

Purple eyes looked over his side where she had noticed tufts of fur wildly out of place. Are you hurts? Her voice was full of sincere concern. The pup hated to think that her knight might be hurt. No one was invincible, even if she wanted him to be.


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