Step One: Tame the Shrew
For now, Hanna's saying no. Things may change if Slay and I have a thread where she presents it to him.

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Hanna sighed at the girl's reaction. She'd shifted unwillingly, but Hanna took it as a good sign that Svara had at least addressed her by name. Unsheathing one of her knives and handing it to Svara, Hanna walked to the deer, avoiding what she'd been wanting to say, unsure how to say it without completely raising her ire. "Svara... hun, I don't want you to change. I'm not asking you to completely rearrange your lifestyle. Not exactly."

Another sigh; she'd never been the best at forming her thoughts into words. "What I want from you is some sign that you can deal with the public without making them want to slaughter you. You have to be tactful if you are going to be Dahlia's Herbalist. If you think I'm a harpy, or that I'm the devil's spawn, that's fine; just keep it to yourself till I'm out of hearing. Does that make sense?" She hoped it did. The medic wasn't sure she could explain it any easier than that.

Svara asked then if she could have the bear pelt. Hanna was taken aback. What on earth would possess the girl to want the skin of the bear that nearly killed her? Hanna had other plans for it anyway; there was a certain piebald wolf that she thought deserved that skin, especially if he came to visit her. It would be soft in the summer, and warm in the winter for him. The deer skins were hers, and Svara's if she liked; less luxuriant, but they would work all the same. She hedged, then decided that honesty was probably the best policy. "I wouldn't have a problem with that, but... I'm tanning it for someone else." She gave the girl a knowing look at the 'someone' figuring she might have some crass comment about it. And who knew? Maybe Svara had had a crush or two in her life.


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