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Enter the jealous brother >D

The sun had decided to come out today, and that made the wolf pup very happy. It was still cold, but at least when the sun was shining it didn't seem as chilly. He hadn't come across anyone to play with yet today so he was doing his best to entertain himself (which he was good at). He dashed around in the snow, plowing into drifts and rolling around in them. That frantic puppy energy had a hold of him right now so he was just running around like a maniac to his heart's content.

After a goodly amount of time doing that he found himself wearing down and out of breath. The pumpkin boy plopped himself down in the snow, panting heavily. Where was everyone today? The lands seemed so deserted for some reason. He could have plenty of fun on his own, of course, but it was always better when you had someone to share it with. Just then his ears perked up as a brown form darted into some large snow structure. Haven face lit up as he knew that it was Mati. The two siblings hadn't gotten to adventure lately, maybe now would be the perfect time!

Just as he stood up and shook some of the white fluff from his fur another pup burst into the snow thing that Mati was in. That hadn't been either of their other siblings. His brows knit together in a scowl as he stalked off towards the fort, tail held straight up in the air. What was going on here? As he came close enough to see inside he saw the two exchange licks and his jade eyes flashed with jealousy. What did this little stranger think he was doing? Mati was HIS sister. She was HIS adventuring partner. Haven walked up to the mouth of the little tunnel, fur bristling. It was too small for him to enter but he glared at the other boy. "What is you doin' with my sister?" he growled.


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