intelligence lies in the oddest of places,

No problem at all! As long as you don't kill her, go ahead and do whatever. Not that you would do that, Lin. <3 I would also imagine so about Jefferson. He seems like the kind of guy (wolf) I would hang out with.

She swallowed deeply, the fear and sweat in her mouth dripping with intensity. Her flesh under her coat was covered in goosebumps and she felt as if anyone touched her, Allegro would growl and practically go insane. She, obviously, wasn't good under pressure. She wanted more then anything to fight for her life, thrashing and clawing him to his death. Not that ever would happen. He looked as if he could kill any creature if he had the pleasure and paitence to do it. He was a monster, and no matter how hard Allegro tried to break her thoughts, she couldn't help but feel honour toward him. This wolf was strong and had the willpower to kill her. Allegro couldn't, mentally she absolutely couldn't, forget that.

Scum. Allegro agreed with him. She was nothing; nothing important, that is. She didn't deserve to live. She offered nothing to the world, nothing to anyone or anything. She barely had any friends, yet a handful of enemies. Looking into his eyes, Allegro could tell they probably weren't going to be spending a date laughing and talking any time soon, if at all. She deserved nothing but a big kick in the ass and a good beating to death. It wouldn't be enjoyable, but Allegro would probably be doing the whole world a big favor. She would die, the world would cheer. It seemed like a goal and fear at the same time. Allegro, like most people, was scared of death. Yet, she knew that if it came, it would be an exciting, not pleasurable, event.

Looking into his eyes, Allegro felt nothing but fear. He was no doubt scary looking and pissed off. Her two favorite combinations. Lovely. Swallowing deeply, again, and hoping to find her voice, Allegro opened her mouth. Sound wouldn't come out. She was speechless, trapped in shock. After a few moments in utter shock, Allegro found the courage to speak. "I never said you like them! I, even being the little dumbass I am, would never think that!" Allegro spoke, starting one of her famous rants. "I know what a scar is! A reminder of something you don't want to remember. It can be physical or mental. When I said I have scars, I just didn't mean the line on my neck, but my mental reminders!" She spoke, yelling but keeping her voice low enough. Lowering her voice, Allegro began again. "I don't want to upset you. I don't want to die... that much. But maybe I would be doing you a favor. I certainly would be doing me one," Allegro quieted herself.


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