Step One: Tame the Shrew

The young she wolf stood in her other form. Tall and lanky, uncomftorbale and clumsy. Her long two legs wobbled under her weight and she felt like she might fall over. Stiffening her muscles she didn't let Hanna know that was why she hated this form, that she felt so weak in it. The knife had been given to her and she took it with out a second thought. Gripping the foreign object it felt light in her hand, but also good. She clutched the thing harder, liking the feel of the dagger in her palm. It was strange how you could obtain a new weapon and find it so appealing.

Hanna's words made Svara nod curtly. "Fine I will keep my trap shut more often. Your still a black demon." She grumbled heading towards the deer with the knife. Looking at Hanna's reply about the bear skin she wondered what the female was trying to get through to her with the simple statment. When it did dawn on her she spoke up. "So you want to rut on it then?" Her manner of speaking wasn't meant to be mean only the simple way she thought.

"I still want that fur, and I don't want it becuase of a male making my legs itch to spread." That comment had been her anger on not getting what she wanted. Dropping the subject before her sour additude got her no where Svara looked at the deer Carcass hanging before her. Already the young female was almost as tall at the black she wolf. "Show me what to do." Svara said almost kindly.


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