It's time for something biblical

The sun retreated behind bare trees. Its tendrils of light shined through the leafless limbs, only prolonging the inevitable darkness. The orb was giving in, succumbing to the night that would not bow to its supremacy. God to the sky, the sun had held its seat over all that had occurred. Now even the deity was more then happy to close the curtain on the events it had witnessed. So it left their world, giving rise to a slivered moon that gave so little light that the darkness almost matched that of her heart.

Her breath was slow and steady, more even then it had been in hours. Her mind was set, frozen on a thought, a single idea. Heart bounded in her chest, but the beats were as slow and stead as her respiration. Each contraction was like an iron fist beating her rib cage, and still it was her foundation. It held her body together, knitting the fibers that threatened to unravel and float away with the wind. Her edges were frayed, but with each heart beat an each breath she managed to keep the seams stitched.

Screaming words filled her ears, shouts from voices so familiar that they reached inward and clutched her soul. Ears stood forward and the fur on her neck stood strait. With nothing in her sight she closed her eyes to find that they hid only in her head and the words spoke only to repeat the past again and again. It was an hour that she didn’t want to repeat, moments that she would rather forget.

All of it brought to her back to the city she loathed. The flower child kept to the forests, her soul only flourishing when among the plants she loved. But this was the second time in weeks she had come to the hard concrete and the human’s waste. It was only out of desperation, and such a feeling left her rationality far behind and left her with few options.

Walking the streets her blue eyes skirted down each alley, searching.

There was a man, a coyote that stood for something. They were the same, believing in justice and destruction of evil. He was someone that lived for the cleansing of the earth and the protection of innocence. There was blood on his hands, but his purpose was righteous. There was someone, someone that knew where evil lived. And how to destroy it.



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