It's time for something biblical
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Could we set this to right after the Nani/Anu thread? Cause I don't know what's going to happen in the Onus/Haku thread.

The lone coy had been asleep in the gutted apartment he had claimed for his own. At least for that night. He preferred to switch up where he decided to sleep every so often. Less chance of being tracked and found. He also didn't sleep much. It was a luxury he afforded himself only when it had become necessary for his body to have it. He always had to be vigilante. Aware of his surroundings. It was one of the reasons he was still alive. While he wasn't anywhere near paranoid about people coming after him, he knew that there was a very good possibility that there were. So he always had to be prepared. Always ready to take action when necessary. Injustice didn't sleep. So he only gave in to the minimum of that need.

As soon as the sun dipped below the horizon he rose. It was like his personal alarm clock. He threw off the warm blankets that had been covering him and stood, stretching his arms. Onus walked to the opposite wall where he had hung his coat, and hat. The cloth covering his eyes was still around his head though, as it always was. Purposefully he donned his trench coat. Then he slipped the fedora down over his ears and secured it on his head. He was ready.

He walked over to the open hole in the wall where a window had once been. Placing his feet on the sill he balanced himself with one hand as his masked eyes looked out over the dead city. Snow fell softly, settling itself onto his statuesque form. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, he jumped down from the window. He bounced off of ledges and openings on the face of the building until he finally hit the hard, cold street. The coyote landed in a crouching position and slowly raised himself back up straight onto his legs. He began his patrol of the empty streets.

Though tonight it was not as fruitless as it was some. And more interesting still, it was someone he had already met. A few blocks down he spotted the female wolf, Anu, that he had met on his first night here. He had gotten the impression that she did not care for the cold and unforgiving atmosphere Halifax (he had learned the old name in his searching) had to offer. Curious, he walked down the street in her direction. Maybe she had some information to give him.


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