why me?
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Sorry for the wait~

Cwmfen’s white orbs watched the other with marginal interest. Truthfully, the calls for help had disrupted the beauty of that day. But the female was not annoyed so much as she was disappointed. She wished to return to the world before, but she was not impatient. The female was a calm soul, a searching and wandering soul too, but she was not quick to anger. She was a Warrior, trained in the art of war; her body was savage and her tactics refined, but her mind was civilized, controlled and cool. This was the enlightenment of the warrior, and she carried herself with pride, but with modesty also. The strange components of her character were as curious as her lineage of both Caledonian and Korean blood.

The she-wolf noted will the briefly raised eyebrow. A mild irritation itched at her mind, for she perceived the gesture was one of disrespect. Respect was a thing held in high regard within the female’s mind, and so this small gesture, as insignificant as it may seem, was accepted with that infinitesimal ire. The white orbs flickered dangerously, but the injured female seemed distracted as she gazed upon the trees, and Dahlian felt that her own gesture of response would go unnoticed—if not merely unheeded. The AniWayan’s gaze hinted at the origin of the injury, which smelled fresh. The scent of the hot flesh beneath the cast was found easily by her olfactory senses and its freshness was aptly noted, though not necessarily acted upon.

There was anger in the voice of the grey, brindled female, and a single, woad-banded ear swiveled back disapprovingly. She refrained, however, from raising her own brow. And yet, the tranquility of the female remained undisturbed. These small acts—the movement of her ears, the twitch of her brow—seemed merely for show. Within the female, her mind clicked, for she knew that injured creatures were known to become irrational. The woman before her was of an adult age, and the black fae felt that control should be in her grasp. She intuited, however, that this was not the case, and so the female became wary.

"Cwmfen nic Graine," the alto voice greeted cordially in return. The waod Warrior knew that the pain of the fracture must be driving the other mad, and so she ignored the continuity of the bitter and annoyed demeanor that was presented to her. Nevertheless, the female saw—or perhaps ‘felt’ was the proper term—the dangerous shift of the other’s maw. The black fae knew what it connoted, yet she disregarded and took a step forward, for the other had accepted her aid. But as the other’s pet was dismissed, she heard a snarl. The woad-banded ears pressed forward in a show of aggression, for the female was more than capable of it. Yet, her face was not unkind as she spoke sternly. "Do you wish for my aid or not, Catherine?" As she spoke, the one-eyed Raven landed ominously upon the she-wolf’s shoulders. The single eye, however, was turned toward the retreating bird of prey. "Calm yourself before the madness takes you."


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