That Warning I Hear
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She's looking for birds she met last fall
     Yeah, that is no problem!

Who said they would come back different than all
     Cercelee was dozing lightly, curling up not in the living area of the church, small and hidden in back of the stone building, but in one of the pews. The colorful light from the stain glass window flooded down on her, coloring her fur in a way that no creature in nature could sport. Blues, reds, greens and yellowed decorated her body and when the scratching at the door woke her she rose easily and moved out of the light, never even noticing the transformation her coat had taken. Cercelee heard the scratch at the front door again and knew it was neither Lubomir, the only member to seek her out here as of yet, or Slay, whom had wandered off during her nap. Moving between the rows of pews, Cercelee moved to the door.

     Like the back kitchen door Cercelee had rigged this one to open with merely a push, so that when she and Slay moved about in this lupus form they could come and go as they pleased. Altering this door had proved far more challenging that altering the kitchen door, which was small and light compared to the front door. The front door was heavy, thick and solid and it proved hard to move and Cercelee pushed against it, only opening it enough for one to squeeze through. Thankfully they rarely used the church’s main door. Poking her head out Cercelee was greeted by the sight of Cwmfen and she grinned at the female. "Cwmfen, welcome."

     Cercelee slipped out and was assaulted by the light of the day, something that was filtered quite colorfully by the stain glass windows she was living behind. Despite the turmoil she had sense in the pack, the growing numbers and the assorted problems those members brought with them, Cercelee had been living quite the charmed life. Slay had made her happier than she could remember being in a long time and spending the days with him and made her realize just how much of her time and energy she had spent devoted to Dahlia de Mai. Part of her felt guilty about enjoying her time while the others were struggling to adjust to the sudden changes in dynamics of the pack, but part of her knew she deserved it too. Cercelee had gone too long without a break, but there was always a time when one had to return to work.

     And now she stood before the pack Warrior and Cercelee was reminded of the world outside her own. The church, the church’s private yards, the small cemetery that she had found a ways off into the woods, her and Slay wasting their days away, it was all too nice to last uninterrupted for long. However the interruption was not unwelcome. Cercelee did relish in dealing with pack affairs and she did miss conversing with the others, a balance between the two lives had yet to be created. Nodding respectfully to the woad clad warrior she sat herself easily back on her haunches. "How is everything Cwmfen?"

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