Swallow and let it slide

The river was even more bizarre than the sea, Legacy had decided. The sea was always there, and followed a similar pattern. There were waves - true, they diminished and grew according to the time of day or weather, but they were constant and did the same thing every time. As for the river, it was different every moment - sticks and so forth floating by, the water usually rushing along as if in a hurry to get somewhere. Where could all that water be going, and even more perplexing, where did it come from? How did rain get into the sky? Water never went upwards - or maybe it did, because she would have been certain water never stood still - and of course, snow and ice and water were somehow all the same thing.

Indeed here was the proof in the form of the Yawrah. It couldn't be solid all the way through, or it would be safe... so the water must be still flowing under there. Definitely strange. Perhaps when she got to know it better and had visited it a few times, she'd understand it more. As it was, she didn't even know about the dividing island in the centre of the frozen current. As far as she could tell, the banks had just become more narrow here.

Just then, a brittle noise from the other side caught her attention, like the snap of a twig but more drawn-out and at the same time quieter... a little way down, she noticed the same moment, there was someone moving over on the other bank, but further downstream than herself. She should catch their attention before they went away again! Luckily they were near a narrow part where she would be able to make herself heard. Legacy bounded forwards, and in her haste one paw slid rather too far off a black-iced rock towards the river's surface. Unbalanced, she tipped over and felt the paw punch through a small patch of thin ice - her heart skipped a beat, but clawing and gripping with the other three feet she managed to tilt herself back upright and pull it back out. Panting as she recovered from the surprise, she looked up: was whoever-it-was still there? Leaving a trail of single-footed wet pawprints, she carried on downstream: more sedately now.


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