We still kill the old way
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OOC: Why am I always late to the party? D: 500+

Lubo, huh? Lubomir snarled slightly, but he did not act on it. Not only was it a remarkably stupid idea, but with everyone here the last thing he wanted to do was start a fight with Haku. The complaints from the puppies made his patience stretch even thinner and he impaciently rolled his eyes. What would life really be like after Firefly gave birth to her own? The more he thought about it the stranger it seemed. When he'd first met Haku, he had honestly believed that he shared a common goal with the chocolate male. But now not so much. He spent time in Mew's den but not a lot of time with Mew herself. Not even he could say exactly why. And all the while the pups and Firefly whined and whined, their voices a distraction to his thoughts.

Finally they started moving and Lubomir joined the strange marked wolf. Cwmfen, Haku had said. Lubomir returned the smile and eased somewhat. Soon he would have to speak to her. She fascinated him, with her eyes and markings and demeanour. He wondered where she stood in the pack, where she came from. His mind drifted again and he found himself thinking of stories of her life, the way she had ended up here, who she really was. He smiled to himself. Of course, Lubomir, just cure your boredom by making up fairy tales about someone you don't know. Real smart right there. Now though the time for action had come. The hunt was on.

Initially, Lubomir held back slightly, waiting to ascertain how Cwmfen would act. Running would tire him out, he knew. He could certainly keep up for now but if he exerted himself too much he would fall behind and leave the female open. Gritting his teeth, he plowed on, picking up speed. The rush of the hunt made the adrenaline course ever faster through his body and for once, the grey male felt like a small part of something big. He had hunted only sporadically in the Old Country, his relation to the Alpha female guaranteeing him the free food. It had not made him overly popular but back then such things seemed trivial. Now, if he wanted to gain any respect in the pack he would have to put his back into it. The doe, frightened, bolted and ran towards them. How easy, really.

Speed and agility and he really admired the female for doing so much work. With a burst of speed the grey male was upon his prey, his eyes glinting with hunger and something akin to madness. His teeth snapped and teased, until it became clear that the kill would be his. This was certainly a startling turn of events. Now was no time to philosophise. His jaw grabbed the doe's neck in a vice, snapping it. He tore it, feeling the blood rush into his mouth, staining his muzzle and fur. Warm, sweet and warm, like the liquor of the gods. It flowed through him and with a savage howl, Lubomir announced he and Cwmfen's victory over the doe. Panting from all the running, he had the grace to turn to the female and nod his appreciation. "Thank you, lady, for that kill. Next time I shall gracefully offer it to you." He licked the blood on his muzzle in obvious satisfaction. Joy was clearly etched on his face.


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