pretty noose is pretty hate

cakeNo problem, I just wasn't sure XD

cakeBane found the young man's company relaxing; there were many in the world who wasted their words like they wasted their time, speaking for not reason other than for the pleasure of speaking, to hear their own voices. The dark wolf had never approved of this, nor enjoyed their company, even when he had been younger and angrier and more willing to reveal himself. This pale wolf wasn't overbearing. The bark of the tree Bane leaned against was cold, but he remained still nonetheless, turning his piercing blue eyes back at Kansas as he spoke.

cakeThough it was something he'd never done, it would prove vastly simpler than, say, amputating a leg or stitching up someone's insides. Simpler than performing an autopsy. He nodded slightly in response, eyes moving back to the young Sadira's ear. "I've done worse things," he stated calmly, his tone thick with underlying amusement. Though it may have come across that he was joking, the reality was different. "Your right ear?" he added, looking back to meet Kansas' eyes. He had a lighter on him, and they were surrounded with ice. It would be good enough.


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