It's time for something biblical

There could be question in her mind. Her voice had to be strong, unbroken and even. Naniko’s voice rang in her head, the words Anu had spoken followed and the thought of the pups being swept away in the middle of the night by a crazed beast made her blood race. Anu understood that Savina had kicked him out of the territory, beaten him close to death and warmed him never to enter it again. Anu couldn’t be that strong, taste the blood in her mouth or win such a match.

He would come for them, rape her mate and steal their children. Naniko trusted him, Anu was sure of it, her voice couldn’t have hid that fact. His teeth would be stained with the blood of her family, and she had to stop it from happening. Hot blood turned to boiling, scorching her veins and making her features hard.

Conri Church. The words poured from her throat fluidly. Ignoring the fact that the last name was one Mati shared, Anu spoke with as much indifference as she could. It was, rape. The word was harder say, yet she kept from stumbling over it. Anu would have rather forgotten, put the past away and living for the moment, and think about the future. Her future was shadowed with him in it. He stained the window she hoped to look through to see the family she loved grow strong and be happy.

The only solution was removing him from it.


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