for the widows in paradise

Geneva was star struck at the idea that Ember would consent to let her enter her living space. But to have the reserved black wolfess offer to let her go there warmed her to the very core of her being. The smile that spread her face then was like a 100 watt light bulb. She really liked the girl and had hoped to get to know her better. She knew that it would be a challenge. But this was a welcome development. She was willing to work for a friendship with this girl, but it looked like it wouldn't be so much work at all.

She scrambled to her feet ungracefully and wiggled a bit as she stood up straight. After allowing the world to settle into a softly swaying pattern, she followed Ember deeper into AniWaya. If she had been more focused, she would have taken stock of her surroundings, worried about finding her way back to Crimson Dreams (as if she could have anyway!). Instead, she only had eyes for Ember. She made an effort to walk beside her, but far enough away to have her entire body within her view. She had never really looked at the dark wolfess before. She had spent most of her time looking at her face, but now it seemed important in her addled mind to look at the whole picture.

"You know you're pretty Ember," she started conversationally. "I met a guy with piercings and really cool two toned eyes, but I really like your eyes. They're so...." Geneva paused to think of the word. ""

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