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Geneva had looked at the map she had drawn of the boundaries of the lands surrounding Crimson Dreams and other outlying territories. In fact, she knew the name of this land now. Phoenix Valley. And she new the reason she had come here. It was a stupid one, one she wouldn't own up to quite yet. She remembered the electric exchange she had shared with the leader of these lands.

Today her thoughts had turned to WTF, an egg? Jefferson, and after patrolling and finishing her duties, she found that she had made it to Phoenix Valley's borders. She hesitated over the invisible boundary line. She couldn't catch the scent of the pack, her nose being useless and without a sense of smell. But she had traced this line in her head over and over when she remembered Jefferson's insistence that she leave him alone.

She walked with uncertainty across that line and into the packland. The sand beneath her feet was grainy, and she smiled as she thought of the first time she had seen the ocean with Anu. Just like with that event, things had been rocky, strange. But in the end, she had come away with a friend. Perhaps it would be the same with Jefferson. He seemed like he needed one. Lime green eyes came to rest on a white figure. "Ah, hello," she called out softly, making her presence known.

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