This is home sweet home.

OOC:I wasn't sure how to have him respond,:]

Listening to her speak of the old ways made him smile, he knew what it was like to live like that- and it was very pleasant. Ril'o spent most of his life just the way she was speaking of, only until he was accepted into Dahlia that explored the building; resting in them every now and then for naps or the the night, he like both of each world but he will always love the old ways. Green eyes flickered to her brown body, watching her speak he was happy to meet her like any new person he came across of- but he really liked her company even if she has a small shell.
Nodding his head he waited till Ade finished before speaking, " Yes the old ways are very lovely, until now that's how i always lived. The houses are nice but it's uncomfortable when you don't like shifting, having to grab things to open. Its pretty but i guess it just doesn't fit me." Tail moving happily behind him he smiled towards her, though she was more relaxed then when he first meet her something seemed to bother her. Slight concern was in his eyes as Ril'o tilted his head before speaking in his warm voice that would've, no doubt been gold if it had color."I can't wait for spring, winter is nice I love the snow but I always liked spring with the colors seemed to just flood everything. "


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