neon tiger
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He was the shameless type, perhaps, as the creature recklessly reached up and seized one of the odd-colored coyote's ears and inspected the once-pierced holes that remained there. They were perhaps past the point of healing, possibly permanently gaping in his ears, perhaps not. "Ya, free spirited," he mumbled, releasing the boy and making his space by backing away. Piercings were not free spirited. What the hell was he talking about? Nikolai wore some sort of indignant scowl on his face as a sort of silent reaction, staring the boy down a long while as he continued to talk. One second, he didn't want a new piercing. The next, he did. He didn't. Nikolai rolled his eyes at the boy's indecisiveness. "Do not just look 'cool'," he said, when the boy couldn't make up his mind. "Mean strongk. Brave. Not veeklingk. I do not know vhat to theenk ovf you." He shrugged his shoulders, blunt. Oh well.

"I yahm part ovf no pahck," the Russian continued, turning to his satchel to sift through it and retrieve one of his maps. It was from around the Dampwoods, near Inferni territory. He had remained there a couple weeks, at least, primarily unnoticed and left to himself. He'd enjoyed it. "Do not belongk in pahck. Need to travel. See oceans. I yahm cartographer." He opened the map for a brief moment before rolling it back up and starting to force it back into his bag. He wasn't much for sharing, anyway. "You are not loner type. Vhere from?"


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