Oh please, God, wake me!

It's all good in the hood, yo

The older wolf gave a half-hearted laugh at the tidings from Pilot, to think that the kid he'd met before had grown up. Much like Phoenix, the awkwardness of youth seemed to have left the white wolf, and he stood before Skoll now as his own man, a respectable member of the pack of Storm. Eating meat, perhaps, would have to be the biggest step Pilot had taken to achieving his status as a true wolf. Skoll regretted somewhat having missed that.

"I'm glad to hear that you have flourished in Storm. It is a good home, and under Phoenix, I imagine it will be somewhat less tense than it was under Gibraltar. His reign was laced with tension, sadly enough." Right from the beginning, down to the end, he thought bitterly. Hearing the young Altester's questions, Skoll nodded. "I live alone for now, the politics of this place do not sit well with me, and I do not wish to involve myself with them again. I turned down Phoenix's offer to rejoin, though a few other alphas tried to confront him and bully him anyway, hearing that he had even tried. It is a corrupt and evil system of governance that allows the Inferni clan to do as it pleases and condemns every wolf that tries to work some good in this land, and while I am happy that he has come so far, I pity the strain that will be his to bear." Pilot's next question was difficult to answer succinctly.

"Heh...too much, Pilot, too much. Doing my best to feed myself, keeping my skills sharp, just came back from a quest to destroy a cult to the west of here with some allies I have outside of the packland...I've been having strange dreams, these eyes have seen too much, you see. Barely getting enough sleep to get by day by day." Explaining the root of his most terrible dreams would be long in its explanation, and probably of little interest to the spry young wolf who stood before him. "So...you say you're doing very well in Storm. I want to hear more about how you've grown from the youth I met before to who you are today!"

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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