It's time for something biblical
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Mate? So that was the way her urges took here. Interesting. He wouldn't have pegged her for that type. Then again, he never really understood why anyone would want to be with someone of their same sex. But love and lust were two things that Onus had never experienced. They were a foreign language to him. He knew that they could both lead perfectly normal people to do insane things though. Anu wasn't lying though. She wasn't trying to fool him. When she said those words, she believed them. He could almost always tell when someone was lying. She certainly wasn't. Well, well then. It appeared that he finally had a specific mission. "Will look into it then."

At the mention of the children his ears flicked. She said they were breathing, so apparently they hadn't been disposed of when they had been born. That was good. But how were these children treated? The man had often found that children were punished for things that they had no hand in. "These children. Do you two care for them?" There wasn't any hint of skepticism in his voice. He had a feeling that this female couldn't hurt a fly if she wanted to. Who knew about her mate though. Raped mothers were often cruel to the children that came about because of it.


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