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The white wolf's perked up at the voice of a female. He turned his head to be facing a dark grey female who had the scent of Crimson Dreams. An intruder? Possibly, or mabye a deliberate visit? Pendzez was infront of someone who was inside the borderline that was from another pack. Responsiblity that this "visitor" won't cause problems, sort of like the same thing Pendzez did long ago, would have to be taken. Pendzez started off like and easy with the intro reply. "Why, good evening miss. Aren't you sort of beyond the line?"

The butterflies remained upon his shoulders as they watched Pendzez speak to the female. One just up and went. Another went to follow it, leaving the other two behind. They just sat there watching, until on just flew off, leaving the last one there. It stayed there, shifting it's beautiful shield-shaped, blue wings. This spirit of might would stay to see how things went off. Pendzez didn't seem to be bothered by it. He was hoping Allegro was alright.


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