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The three words were true, though there meaning obscure. Anu wouldn’t have let that happen because she loved her. But was it the way she love Naniko? Or the puppies? Was it the way she loved the sun, or the first flower blossom in spring as well as the pride that followed? Was it her mother’s love? Or was it the growing warmth she felt in her chest the second she saw her? Anu didn’t know. It couldn’t be categorized like all the rest. It was different; it held her being together the moment it threatened to unravel. Anu loved her, and as much as she wanted to act upon it she didn’t know how.

The sun had fallen, leaving the two females encased in the darkness of night. It’s cold threatened them, as the placid and pale moon looked from above. The winters grip reached for them, icy fingers threatening to wrap around them and send shivers across their skin. Invisible to the eye, she felt their defense. It radiated from their skin, pulsing and pushing the cold so that they stood in their own form of spring. Around them the dark settled, stars dotted the black curtain of sky. They shone so bright in the cloudless atmosphere she could have reached out to touch them. If only she had been looking.

Stars could be seen in the liquid pools of lime sky that were Geneva’s eyes. Dark moons sat in their middle, while the deep pools showed Anu all she needed to know. How had she not noticed? Seen the way they changed with the feelings that the woman held within. They were beautiful, the color of newborn blades of grass or the leaf of a young flower. Not a rose, those leaves were dark and stems littered with thorns, but a lily. It needed to be nurtured, from soil to blossom. Never did it threaten to pierce fingertips, only provide all the pleasure a flower could give.

Geneva looked away, but truth exited her mouth. Anu had known already, it had been written in the eyes Geneva had hidden away. There were tears clouding them, as they clouded her own. Even with previous knowledge Anu still basked in the words she heard. Then Geneva moved away, backward steps that made Anu nervous. She held on, holding on arm until she was sure that she would be safe on the platform. Her hand released Geneva, moving to her own stomach and feeling the heat that had resided between them.

Blue eyes stayed locked, even if she hoped to run from her gaze. Anu wouldn’t look away. Was the promise never to fall, or to never let Anu embrace her? Was Geneva saving Anu from her own weakness? It took an iron will to keep from reaching out towards her, every fiber to not simply ask for her. You don’t need to promise me anything. Anu smiled softly.

Her smile disappeared left with something resembling her previous demeanor. She would rather not talk about what had happened, it was painful and the wounds were deep and raw. I went to the city last night, because Naniko and I fought, about him. There. Plain and simply put. But as she searched for more then what Geneva wished to tell, Anu couldn’t keep from speaking the truth. I went to see someone, and… The words wouldn’t come to her, wouldn’t pass her throat. It closed, and she fought to breathe. Geneva would hate her, if she knew the truth. Still no lie would come to her, Anu wouldn't deceive her. All she could do was stand in silence.



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