It's time for something biblical
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I'm sorry if this sucks, my brain is kinda *poof* right now ><

When he said he would look into something, he did mean it. Especially when it came to crimes such as this. There were just many factors that he had to deal with. Tracking a person down could be more difficult than one would think. Then if he found them, most times he would interact with them a bit before making a move. Most times it would lull the offender into a false sense of calm. Plus he would, most times, get whatever information he was lacking. But when it came down to the actual physical altercation, it depended heavily on how experienced a fighter the opponent was. Onus was very good at what he did. There were plenty of others who were too though. If nothing else, he could give him some scars that they wouldn't soon forget. Wouldn't let others forget either.

The same confidence, while not as loud, was there behind these answers as well. The man was silently thankful for that. Just because the creature that fathered them was a monster didn't mean they deserved to be treated as such. They had done nothing wrong. Just victims of circumstance. He nodded his head. "Hrm. Good." Vulnerability was something that he didn't show to anyone, ever. If he had any "weak spots" it was children. They were innocent. The most pure beings that inhabited this corrupt earth. They didn't deserve to be subject to all this sin and madness.


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