drawing waves on the pavement

An infallible smile adorned the Circèe’s features, accompanying her wherever she went. Alexey was genuinely happy for once, and she refused to let anyone rain on her parade. Her pessimistic attitude was no more: her darkened thoughts had been disposed of. She was back to being her old self again and seeing the positive side of things above all. She had been reunited with her siblings, and despite their incessant bickering, Alexey was happy to have them around. Of course, that was something she would never say out loud; especially not in front of Adelaida. And if that wasn’t enough to cheer her up, Kol‘s return to Dahlia de Mai certainly was. Alexey had also earned a co-rank, one that would require her to care for Firefly’s two little boys. What else could she ask for? She had everything.

Lexey was simply taking a stroll through the olden town when she caught a glimpse of another wolf through one of the frosted windows. A normal person would’ve probably kept on walking and ignored the stranger, but not Alexey. Curiosity was one of her major flaws: she just had to take a look. The tawny girl pushed the door open and stepped inside, hoping to get a clearer view of the obsidian lupine. Surprisingly, it took her a few seconds at most to figure out who the other female was. “Savina!” she exclaimed, truly happy to see the Italian lady after all this time.


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