Everything about you resonates happiness
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Cwmfen thought that the other may have disagreed with her view. She doubted that he would, as he would not have done much of what he did—what he would do—if he even cared what consequence his actions would have. And perhaps he would be right. Perhaps it didn’t matter at all. But the female was different from the other. If there was one thing that she valued most, it was respect. The blue-eyed Lilium had respect, and yet he committed crimes of the utmost disrespect. His actions should have been abhorrent to her, just as the acts her father were despicable in her mind. But she found it different some how.... Perhaps, as in war, each situation, each personality, was judged differently. Perhaps she had merely judged him in a different light. Whatever the case, the female was not disturbed by the actions of the male. Perhaps she would pay for it later.

To the rest of her words, he merely shrugged. However, it was his silence that she accepted as his response. A light smile, tainted with a touch of iron, tickled her lips as the white orbs turned to the earth, watching nothing as her gaze turned inward to her mind. She was silent, and she listened to that soft, whispering snowfall with eager ears. The silence seemed more important, the stillness even more so. The world was such a simple place, and that simplicity was the thing that created the complexity. Yet, there were many who sought to make the world into something it was not. She felt that that was what was happening with Haku, and perhaps that was even what drove him. The freedom that he had could only bring the consequences that followed him now. Briefly, the fae’s eyes turned toward his partial tail, and she wondered how it had come to be that way. She wondered if there was some sort of symbolic meaning that coincided with the reality of his life.

"Indeed..." the female murmured quietly as her gaze made its way to find the face of the other. "I too have seen it. And perhaps it is inescapable. Perhaps one day we will end up like them." There was a strangeness in her voice, and it seemed to resemble contempt. Them, as she had named, was the humans. Their remains littered the world, and the world slowly covered their traces. But the humans had been the superior race—or so they had believed—and she could not help but wonder if the cycle were to continue. The wolves ran the world now. But for how long? The white orbs held the irony of her thoughts as she watched the Lilium silently, wondering of many things besides.

"Wolves are meant to be free. And yet here we are, living in the confines of society. I feel its uses, but I feel the discontent in my heart...." And that alto melody turned down a remorseful road as she gazed down its empty path. Destruction seemed in evitable. Her eyes, which had become unfocused, regained their clarity as they returned to the present.

Her mind returned to the issue that had characterized the beginnings of their conversation, and she brought it up once more without declaring it openly. Perhaps he would not understand the ambiguity of her statement, but she doubted it would be so. Haku would know. "What would you have me do, Lilium?" The silence that followed was strange and hollow. She felt she knew already what the answer must be, and she regretted only that it must be so.


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