i got nobody on my side
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/ ... ha/bg2.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom">

cakeFor the first time in a while, Tal made a note in her mind to actually go visit someone to find out what was up with this kid. Young children didn't just suddenly show up without parents, but the girl seemed like she was doing fine without her parents -- then, if she didn't know her dad and her mother was a monster, perhaps she was better off here. For a moment, Tal felt pity for the child; she had lived through her own personal hell (and was still surviving it) but at least she'd had two parents and a brother who loved her. The traditional nuclear family. At least until war had torn them apart.

cake"Zeke and Gabe, huh? That's awesome. Zeke's my brother and Gabriel is my dad." She smiled as she said this; she loved her family, it was just that sometimes (usually) she was a little ashamed to see them. Tal knew they probably thought she was weak, and she didn't want anyone to see her that way. In some small way, she was glad her mother wasn't around, and if she ever came back (unlikely, a voice in her head told her,) Tal would impress her with how strong she had become, and how much she had changed. She had ambition, the girl, just no way or idea of how to harness it. "Who's that last one you mentioned? And why wouldn't they like you?" Tal added with mild curiosity. She had a feeling she knew who it was, she just wanted confirmation.

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