ashes, ashes.
Lucifer looked to the white female and seen a strong willed being. Some one that he pushed around a lot as a child, in fact he was pretty sure that he might have beaten her up more then just once or twice, Hymm was always a victim of his. god, where did those time's go? Lucifer missed them, he was going to have to meet her when the times where better and just rough around and play fight, unlike what they did as kids. He was glad to see that after all they had been though, and all that he had put her though that he was still able to come to her with issues, and talk to her. Lucifer sighed, this whole thing was sick, it was sick that he was having to run to his step daughter to help the issues he was having with his mate.

Lucifer steeped up to the female knowing that if any one seen them he could pay dearly and nuzzled her, "I'm sorry I hurt you so much. Your mom is lucky to have a child like you that loves her. You are going to a make a great mother, heck look how good you take care of your mom." It was Lucifer way a letting her know that he knew who took care of whom in that two of them.

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