Got so much salt from your lies
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The two of them did have some things in common. Onus would openly admit that he had killed people. Many people. But unlike this man before him, there was a reason behind the homicides that he committed. All of those he had killed had deserved it. They were scum. Rapists, murders, pedophiles. Creatures that had forfeited their right to live when they had taken it from others. They deserved no less. He had appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner. But he trusted his moral beliefs without a shadow of a doubt. He knew when someone was guilty. He knew when they deserved to die.

The males were silently sizing each other up. The shrinking space between them was full of an electric energy that was getting ready to discharge. Onus didn't take his cloaked eyes from the other's face, even when he had to incline his head to do so. He saw the wheels behind his eyes turning in a difference direction. Saw his nose wrinkle when he caught the human scent that the coy had chosen as his own. Saw the smug grin melt into nothing. Nothing about his body changed. Simply stood there, looking at the wolf. Internally, however, he was ready to make a move at the drop of a pin. He let the silence hang in the air for a few moments before deciding to answer. "Want your name." Though he was fairly certain he already had it.


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