That Warning I Hear
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She's looking for birds she met last fall

Who said they would come back different than all
     Cercelee nodded and soaked in the words of the other female, taking in the tones and all the subtle inflections. She spoke well, it was a voice to envy. Cercelee recalled her small bout of jealousy concerning the woad marked female, but let the silly thoughts pass quickly, embarrassed she had ever felt so about the female who had never been anything but contributive to the pack. Cercelee understood why Slay would admire the raven female, Cercelee did herself. She would forgive him that and give credit where credit was due.

     "Alexey and Coli?" Or did Cwmfen refer to some other newcomers? The pack was growing so rapidly it was becoming a chore to get acquainted with all the members admitted into the pack. The white lady had personally admitted those two to the pack, but Haku and the others were free to welcome in other souls searching for a home. Perhaps another informal meeting would be needed, to have all the new faces meet the older ones. "Colibri Haki is actually Haku’s daughter... and Alexey, well you know she was a member before?" Cercelee did not mind sharing these tidbits with Cwmfen, it was easier to explain some of it now, rather than have any awkward incidents later.

     Cercelee bowed her head at the words, knowing that she had been more absent than present for many of her members, yet much of that could not be helped. Svara and Firefly would say that Cercelee was far more involved than needed, but it was they, not Cwmfen, that needed a little extra attention from their Rosea. "I have been spending much of my time with Slay, we have become mates." It was strange to say out loud to another, but thrilling at the same time. It was as if every time she said it out loud it became more set in stone, more solid and less like a dream. "I was also present for Firefly’s birth. Dahlia’s numbers are growing rapidly indeed." And with more members there were more challenges the Rosea had to face, but that was part of her job and she would soon be rested enough to face them head on once again.


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