Humming the perfect lullaby
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Sorry I am taking a long time to reply and my posts are short! I am so busy trying to keep up with Cercelee posts that Leland is getting ignored!

    Leland merely nodded and smiled as Catherine explained she preferred a den. All different folks had different ways of life, he didn’t think one was better than the other. Just as many of the tribe members liked to ride the horses and Catherine and he preferred just to watch them. They would slowly adjust to the Aniwaya way of life, but it did not mean that either of them had to give up all the ways they were comfortable with. The Aniwaya tribe would adjust to the outsider’s ways as well. It was compromise and what one did when they meshed different life styles into the same clan or tribe.

    "Aye. I know I’d be cranky if anyone wer’ to try an’ ride me." Although, Asha’s horse had not seemed to mind. Perhaps if one bonded with the big beast it was different, but Leland could imagine climbing atop one of the animals without warning the beast first. Catherine seemed to have similar ideas. Just another similarity to put on the mental list Leland was building.

    It seemed however their pasts were not much the same. Leland’s mismatched eyes widened at the story Catherine told. Her words seemed surreal, though he knew such events did indeed happen and their were souls unfortunate to live through them he did not spend much time thinking of them. That was not how his own life had been. "I’m so sorry, miss." Leland didn’t know what else to say. Her confession had been so much more dramatic than anything he could say of his own past. The husky mix wasn’t sure if the female wished to say anything more of her own past or change the topic, so he left his words hanging in the air, waiting for her to take control of the conversation.


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