gravity rides everything - p leland
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Sorry I am taking a long time to reply and my posts are short! I am so busy trying to keep up with Cercelee posts that Leland is getting ignored!

    Leland found himself grinning at the admittance of the other male that he too found the ways in Aniwaya to take some adjusting. He had met their leader, the one above Dawali, briefly, and Leland wonder if there were any true tribe members left aside from the two leader’s and Dawali’s daughter. Was the tribe mostly made of newcomers, trying their hardest to mesh with the ways of the tribe. Leland felt he was doing a fine job so far. Already he was more than comfortable with using his Luperci form, which he had believed to be the hardest task but found it came more naturally than he would have guessed.

     Taking the seat beside Lannen gratefully he pulled his legs up, knees bent and looped his arms around his lower limbs, so that he was able to rest his chin on his knees if he wished. Yet he kept his head up and alert, his bi-colored eyes staring up at nothing at he considered the question. What had been the hardest part? Honestly, Leland answered. "I’m jus’ not sure. So much of it seems to come quite naturally ta me, but other things er jus’ weird." He couldn’t pin point just one aspect of the ways of life. Horses and dwellings he was getting use to, though he hadn’t taken either up for himself. Laughing heartily Leland gave the first answer that came to mind. "Tyin’ feather in my hair." The fashions on Aniwaya were something all together new to Leland and when he tried to mimic them he found his mane painfully knotted.

     Looking at the male he shrugged, as if to ask what the male himself thought was the hardest part. Did the pleasant male come from a pack similar to Aniwaya, or was his past life as sharp a contrast as Leland’s? He knew he wanted to know more about the male, but he wasn’t sure if he should ask out right or see if the male would offer up any information of his own, though he seemed eager to converse which pleased the husky mutt. “My ol’ home was so much larger an’ mer social than here. Wolves an’ dogs alike... we must have number nearly a hundred in our one clan. Because o’ that I think Aniwaya is mer private than I’m use ta, though I certainly can’t say I’ve met a member I didn’t like yet.” Even with their strange ways, the wolves of Aniwaya were kind and Leland was glad to have found them.


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