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Simon reveled in the attention Mati was giving him. It probably wasn't the most proper thing. She was a princess after all, and only deserved the finest prince that any kingdom had to offer. He felt humbled at her attention, and elated as well. He ducked his head bashfully, although his tail was wagging quite merrily and scoring marks in the soft snow walls. He saw that his bit of humble architecture was marred and so he stopped. His tail didn't quite want to listen though, so he decided to sit on it. Hopefully that would keep the waggily thing out of trouble.

"Y-yeah," he answered the princess. "I mades it f-for y-y-you." He knew that his stammering sounded ridiculous, but he honestly could help it. The princess was smiling, but not just any smile. There was a special smile on her beautiful face and he had put it there. It was almost too much for him to comprehend. He suddenly felt like he shouldn't look directly at her and cast his brown eyes to the snowy walls. Looking at her shining face was like looking into the sun. She was certainly beautiful, but she was too much to take in.

Simon was being silly and he knew it. There was no reason for him to feel suddenly scared to look at Mati. She wouldn't do anything to hurt him; she was the most beautiful, kindest, gentlest spirit on the entire planet. He had just faced down shadow monsters to boot. But there was something about the way she kissed his cheek that made him suddenly feel tongue-tied and unsure of himself. The usually outgoing pup didn't know how to deal with that and he shuffled his overly large sandy paws. She didn't even think that his big feet looked stupid. On the contrary, she made him feel very special. And that was the absurd part. He knew he'd never be half as special as her. Nothing could even compare to her.

The sandy colored puppy turned when he heard and smelled another puppy with a bright coat approaching the fort. He abruptly turned and kept Mati protectively behind his back. He stood with similar posture to the stranger, his ears forward and his tail erect. He puffed his chest out for good measure. He was bigger than the orange boy with flashing eyes. The young knight blinked once when the puppy angrily demanded to know what he was doing with Mati. His sister? That would make him a prince. But Simon would not kneel before him, not when he was being so rude. "You shouldn't talk that way in front of a lady," Simon returned. He wasn't quite growling like Haven, but his tone of voice was firm. No way was this boy getting anywhere near the princess with an attitude like that.

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